Our Program

Rwanda Children's Hope is fund-raising entity of International Healing Center Ministry (IHCM) which is implementation entity. Rwanda Children Hope supports 3 programs of IHCM: Scholarship Program, Nutrition Program, and Local Capacity Building Program.

  • ­Scholarship Program: We have four projects under Scholarship Program: Nursery Scholarship Project, Primary Scholarship Project, Secondary Scholarship Project, and University Scholarship Project. We support nursery and primary students through Samaritan International School which was inaugurated early 2016 in Karangazi, Eastern Province of Rwanda. We support students of secondary and university level through their attending school which is all over in Rwanda.
  • Nutrition Program: We have School Kitchen Project. We care not only tuition but also physical and mental development of children. Children need sufficient nutrition to develop their capacity. We support meal plan for children in Samaritan International School.
  • Local Capacity Building Program: Our value is strong responsibility and dedication for local development by local people. Therefore, students who are supported can also support other students and community. This local initiative is one of the most wonderful values we have.